
Silken Windhound vann kapplöpning mot Saluki

Several years ago I was talking to a friend at the race club in Ohio. My friend has seen more dog racing than I ever will. He was impressed at how the Silkens were running and predicted that a Silken could beat a Saluki in a race. I’ve always wanted to find out and recently the opportunity presented itself.

The race would be hand-slipped on a standard 200-yard track. Both dogs started well and neither was bothered by running with another breed as both were totally on the lure. As expected the dogs were very evenly matched. The slightly taller Saluki showed the long-legged graceful running style you would expect. The shorter, but much heavier Silken contrasted with his more powerful style.

Now if you want to see the race go to the link below. Go to page 3…29 frames at the bottom of the page.